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Infidelity Recovery Coaching 

Faith-Based Healing For The Unfaithful

If another believer is overcome by some sin, you who are godly should gently and humbly help that person back onto the right path. --Galatians 6:1

Fast Track Your Healing With HOPE a 3-Day Weekend Intensive

Affair ended?  Or are you stuck in the break-up cycle? Now It feels like your heart has been shattered into a million pieces and you constantly miss them. But no one understands because they don't classify your relationship as a "real relationship, or "real love"?  You struggle to let go of your affair partner and therapy is not offering the compassion and tools you need to help you heal. Join me for  HOPE a 3-day Weekend Intensive created to help the unfaithful Christian women heal from the heartbreak of her affair.

 Join me in my home for a cozy relaxed nonjudgmental atmosphere, as I teach you how to heal from the traumatic heartbreak of infidelity, stop thinking about your affair partner, and prevent relapse. Healing doesn't have to take years!

Spots Are Limited!

Call To Action

Get my free guide, “How TO Survive The First 30 Days Of Affair Withdrawal Symptoms "Start your healing today


Are You Having An Affair And Feel Trapped, I Can Help Book A Session Today


Does this sound familiar...

  • You feel torn between your affair partner and husband
  • You tried many times to end it but keep returning to your affair partner
  • Tired of keeping secrets
  • Overwhelmed with confusion
  • Need Clarity
  • No longer recognize the person you have become
  • The pain of remaining in the affair is stronger than the pleasure
  • You feel alone, misunderstood, isolated, and afraid
  • Tired of battling "what if and what should I do" thoughts
  • Cant seem to make a decision
  • Never saw yourself as a cheater
  • Question how could you have an affair
  • Wonder if God will forgive you

There are times when you feel like you are losing your mind...


I completely understand! I have been there. I can help you end your affair for good.  And rediscover who God made you be. Also, help you understand the real reason you had an affair so you will be able to prevent falling into the trap of infidelity again.




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Our Core Values

We Believe in the value of...

No Judgment

Non-judgment–We create a safe space for you and your story, your desires, your emotions, and even your confusion.


We respect your privacy above all else.


We believe in the restoration of every person’s life over retribution.


We believe that healing occurs in a community where there is support and accountability.


For me, your healing is personal!

After struggling to end my affair and finding myself suffering in silence with grief and depression once the affair ended.

Many fearful thoughts ran through my head, does this sound like you as well...

  • Why does it look like the breakup is not affecting him
  • Why hasn't he came for me
  • I cant stop thinking about him
  • Why do I care so much
  • Will I get ever get over him 
  • Why am I struggling to let go
  • Will I love my husband again
  • I will never feel love like this again
  • I dont want to lose this feeling I have become addicted to
  • We had a unique connection I never felt before
  • I cant be present with my family because the affair has consumed me
  • I cant seem to stop comparing the affair to my marriage

I finally decided to do something about it. What started as a quest to conquer my own grief has turned into a system that has helped hundreds of my clients end their affairs, and step into who  God created them to be. And also confidently show up in their lives without shame and the fear of judgment. You are not alone!



Read my story

Restore Library


Top features

  • Exclusive Video content monthly
  • Blog post
  • Discount on 1:1 sessions
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Restore Membership Premium


Most Popular

  • Exclusive monthly video content
  • Exclusive podcast
  • Exclusive blog post
  • Overcome grief journal
  • 2x monthly zoom calls with replays of recorded sessions
  • Weekly office hours for Q&A
  • Rebuilding your relationship with God Resources 
  • Community support
  • Private app
  • Discounts on 1:1 sessions 
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Restore Premium & Group Coaching


One time payment

  • Weekly 1:1 group coaching calls for 6 weeks
  • Private community only for group coaching students
  • Access to the Restore Basic membership
  • Discount on all Modern Day Eve products, including the Overcome withdrwal 4 week video course
  • Discounts on 1:1 sessions and Restore Retreats
Coming Soon

Get started with my 5-week course

Jump Start Your Recovery

When an affair ends it can be an emotional roller coaster ride. We face triggers, obsessive thoughts, and urges to reconnect with our affair partner, just to name a few. These symptoms that follow an affair ending are called the affair withdrawal phase and can keep us from letting go and moving forward. This course will help you get through this phase by learning how to manage the struggle without going back to your affair partner. 

Start this course

 Private 1:1 Coaching

1:1 coaching with Stacey will help you progress through recovery quicker and prevent you from going back to your affair partner and getting stuck in grief. You will receive undivided attention and support. 

What To expect:

  • A personalized plan to help you get unstuck or prevent the roadblocks from slowing your healing down
  • Gain clarity if you are still in the affair
  • Support If you are rebuilding your marriage
  • Learn the real reason you had an affair ( which helps to reduce shame)
  • Heal your  insecure attachment style (The root cause of your affair) and have healthy relationships
  • Message support Monday - Friday
  • Resources and tools to assist your healing and growth
  • Safe non-judgmental safe space for sharing your feelings and working through them
  • Accountability
  • Pay per session
  •  100% Confidential 
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“I cannot imagine going through the grief and pain that comes with affair recovery without Stacey. She has been more helpful than my therapist and trusted friends. I so appreciate her honesty, truth and acceptance. I absolutely recommend her services to anyone who is currently in an affair or healing from one.”

Thank you, Stacey!!-----Shelly

You are truly a lifesaver Stacey. I know I wouldn't have been able to walk away from my affair without your help and guidance. Thank you for your support and ministry.


Im was so happy I found you. Your videos and coaching have helped bring me through one of the hardest times of my life.


I can’t begin to express the deep transformation that occurred in every aspect of my life

Rebecca Night


“I am so grateful I found Stacey! Her book and social media content helped me so much when I was struggling, lost, alone and totally upside down. Getting coached by Stacey helped me right the ship and gave me skills to avoid a pity party trap and falling into old habits. I’m so grateful for her vulnerability and being willing to share all she learned about attachment styles and coping skills by walking through her own experience. It helped me understand myself better, my own history, and where my weaknesses are. Thank you for not judging me and making our sessions such a safe place. Thank you for pointing me to Christ for help and comfort Stacey! So thankful we aren’t alone. - Jane “

The latest from my blog 

Could my affair be the one that works out

Why Did My Affair Partner Ghost Me

Mar 05, 2024

4 Reasons Why Single Women Should Not Wait For Affair Partner To Ge...

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The I Am Invested Invested In Her Women's Conference, Hosted by the Ruth Group

I had the honor of speaking at I Am Invested In Her Women's Conference. It was amazing to be able to teach women how to not let their past failures prevent them from becoming the woman God created them to be and go after their dreams. We are not defined by our mistakes or addictions, we are defined by who God says we are. AND HE CALLS US REDEEMED TO ROYALTY!

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Follow Me on Youtube For More Affair Recovery Resources

My Videos are created to offer nonjudgmental support so that the unfaithful can heal from their affair without feeling alone or shame.

 Facts Questions And Answers:


YOU ARE NOT ALONE, there is support for you

Sign up for a 30-minute consultation and receive a customized recovery plan so you can begin healing and find freedom from the mental torment of an affair.

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